Fearless LA Podcast

Part 2 of "Paradigm Shift" by Pastor Jeremy Johnson, spoken on 8-24-2014.


What if in this life, there was something invisible to the eyes that would change everything about the way you live here? Something invisible, yet not less important. Something beyond your senses, yet more real than anything you’ve ever seen or felt. This is the exact reality of eternity. Eternity is not something we see with our eyes until we pass from this life, yet it does not mean it is any less real than what we see and touch in this world. Our lives here will vanish like a vapor, and are incredibly short compared to the length of eternity. What should we do in light of this? How should we live and operate in this world if eternity, in reality, is our true home? 

Many people in our world live with no thought of eternity. They do what they want, collect material possessions, and search for fame, meaning, and success. They live as if the temporal is eternal and the eternal is temporal. The reality of the Kingdom, though, is that the eternal is what we should be living for.

As God’s children, we need to have a paradigm shift about eternity. To realize that we are residents of eternity and aliens of this world. How would you live if this was your paradigm? Would you give more, love more, forgive more, tell people about Jesus more?
Would it change the way you think about and do everything? We think so. 

Peter and the disciple’s paradigm was shifted when Jesus told them to cross over the lake to the other side. On the way, they encountered a terrifying storm, and in the middle of the storm, Jesus came walking to them on water. After the disciples thought He was a ghost, Jesus reveals his identity to them, and Peter tells Jesus to call him out on the water if it’s really Him. Jesus calls him out and Peter comes to Him, walking on the water. You better believe the disciples’ paradigms were shifted in a dramatic way. Walking on water? That’s not possible! Peter took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink. Jesus responds to Peter’s sinking, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Jesus sent the disciples across the lake knowing they’d encounter a storm, knowing they’d be afraid, knowing Peter would walk on the water and then sink. He was doing it all to push them to a shift. To test their faith and challenge their paradigms. 

You see, with Jesus, the impossible is made possible. With Jesus, we are taken from a temporal mindset and elevated into an eternal mindset. Let your whole world change today as you focus on the reality of eternity in light of this life. Let him push you to a paradigm shift, to believe for greater and to live for more!

Food for Thought:

1. Are you living with an eternal mindset or temporal mindset?
2. What is keeping you in a temporal mindset? Do you hold the temporary things of life close to your heart?
3. How is God challenging your faith lately? Do you think He’s trying to shift your paradigm about something?
4. Will you choose to live with an eternal perspective this week? What does that look like practically for you?

Scriptures for Further Study:

o Matthew 6:22
o Matthew 14:22

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