Fearless LA Podcast

The Lord is never unsure of the grand plans He has in store for us. When He created us, He put on both the hats of an architect and an engineer. His thoughts and plans for us are as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore. We are merely on loan from God to our earthly fathers. Therefore, the fact that we are still here means that the engineer has done something right. Despite the trials and tribulations that we have endured, we are still here, living and breathing today. This is because we have a purpose that we are yet to fulfill.

However, it is not uncommon for us to forget that we need to rely on God, our Father, for all instructions and directions. We often forget that people are fallible and will, at some point, let us down. But God has no quitting point. He is always there for us, no matter how bleak things might seem.

Many of us live our lives for God as if we are playing hide and seek. But God is not hiding in ways we cannot find Him. He is hiding just enough to create a sense of desperation in our hearts, so that we can seek Him with all our heart and soul.

One of the most remarkable things about Jesus is that He is the only God who got into life with us. It was His compassion that compelled Him to meet us in our mess. And because the Father sent Him, He ran all the way. It is like the story of the prodigal child coming home. We get to return to our Father daily, no matter how far we have strayed.

In conclusion, we must remember that we are on this earth for a reason, and that reason is to fulfill the purpose that God has for us. We must seek Him with all our heart and soul, knowing that He will never lead us astray.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

God does not want us to worry about anything in our lives. In fact, He commands us not to worry. When we worry, we create chaos in our lives that was never meant for us to carry. To open the door to faith, we must close the door to worry. It is important to understand that worrying is a manifestation of an orphan mentality. It is when we think that we are pulling the yoke by ourselves and ploughing the field of life alone. However, when our faith is completely in Him, God will teach us the ways of life. He will guide us through the ups and downs of life, and show us the path we should take. It is important to trust in Him and know that He will never abandon us. With Him, we can overcome any obstacle and live a fulfilling life.

Pastor Jeremy reminds us that God's command to not worry is not just a suggestion. It is a command that we must follow if we want to maintain a peaceful life. Worry takes our focus away from God and puts it on our problems, which creates chaos and anxiety in our lives. However, when we put our faith completely in God, He will teach us the ways of life, and guide us through all the ups and downs we may face. We must trust in Him and know that He will never abandon us. When we let go of our worries and rely on Him, we can live a fulfilling life and overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Moreover, the speaker highlights that worrying often leads to an orphan mentality, where we believe that we are alone in our struggles and have to bear our burdens alone. This mentality can lead to isolation and further anxiety. But when we trust in God, we realize that we are never alone and that He is always with us, ready to help us in our time of need. It is important to remember that we are not made to carry our burdens alone, but rather to give them to God and let Him carry us through our struggles.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

We often forget that God is a Father God, full of love and mercy. No matter how good our earthly father is, they are still human and have flaws that can affect their parenting. Sometimes, we tend to see our Heavenly Father through the same lens we view our earthly fathers, but this is not the right way to approach Him. Let us ask God to renew our minds so that we can see Him for who He is, complete and whole, without any preconceived notions.

Our Heavenly Father has adopted us into His house, and He is pleased to not just give us some things, but to give us ALL things. His love for us is boundless, and His grace is infinite. We can trust in Him with all our hearts, and He will never let us down.

Here are 7 things that you may chase after if you are not rooted in the truth of God's love:

  1. Passions: chasing after things that give us temporary pleasure and excitement, but ultimately leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled.
  2. Possessions: accumulating material possessions that we think will make us happy, but in reality, only create more stress and anxiety.
  3. Position: seeking power and status in our careers or social circles, thinking that it will bring us happiness and fulfillment.
  4. Performance: trying to prove our worth and value through our achievements and accomplishments, leading to burnout and exhaustion.
  5. People: looking for validation and acceptance from others, rather than finding our identity in Christ.
  6. Place: constantly searching for a better city, job, or environment, hoping that a change of scenery will solve our problems.
  7. Power: desiring to control our lives and the lives of others, rather than surrendering to God's plan and will for our lives.

However, we must remember that love must precede service, not the other way around. The Father's love gives us the ability to live the Christian life, and we must choose to put Him above all these things. What would you choose today? Let's ask God to help us choose Him and His love above all else.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

In our generation, we are called to do great things. But in order to fully understand our call, it is important to take a moment to reflect on the ones who have come before us. We are not the first to run this race; we are simply grabbing the baton from the heroes of faith that have paved the way for us. And as has been the case throughout history, in every generation, God raises up a leader who does not fit in. This is because if you fit in, you won't need God.

While it is exciting to look ahead to the next level, it is important to remember that the road ahead will not be easy. Just as Joshua was able to look past the giants that stood in his way, it was only because he never lost sight of his God. We must remind ourselves to keep our eyes fixed on Him, and to trust that He will help us overcome any obstacle that lies ahead.

If you stay stuck in the past, you will never be able to break free from the system that is currently holding you back. God has called you to a new table, and it is up to you to use your maturity and growth to fight the new fight that lies ahead.

When you finally reach the promised land, you may find that the Lord will no longer provide manna for you; instead, He will give you the seed to plant your own food. This means that you will have to fight for your future. But rest assured, you will not be fighting alone. God will be with you every step of the way.

It is time to claim the territory of your life and to trust that God will guide you every step of the way. Take a moment to thank Him for getting you through your past, and for all that He has taught you along the way. But now it's time for you to be an active participant in your own story. You may have slept with your armor on, but as you continue to be fitted in righteousness, you will be able to fight the good fight of faith to the very end.

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_06042023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT