Fearless LA Podcast

"To SEE" in the original language implies "to realize" and "to attain vision". This means that it is not simply a matter of dreaming about something that you cannot see, but rather, it involves comprehending what the Lord intends for you to grasp. If you are currently pursuing something, bear in mind that it all began with a mental image. This image only comes about when you align yourself with the Lord. However, in order to possess the vision that God has given you, you must be a good steward of it. Visionaries have the ability to bring things into existence by declaring and believing them, thus allowing us to alter the environment in which we find ourselves. For example, Elijah progressed from visualizing rain to experiencing an abundance of it.

Praise functions as a conduit to our vision, allowing us to surmount the obstacles and impediments that stand in our way. Praise demonstrates that we have been in the presence of the Lord, regardless of the situation we find ourselves in. In the end, we may never receive validation from others about our vision. Nevertheless, as long as we have wise guidance, humble ourselves before God, and block out the noise around us, we will be able to see in the natural world what we have visualized in the supernatural realm.

It's important to understand that possessing a God-given vision requires more than just seeing it in your mind's eye. To achieve it, you must take practical steps to make it a reality. This involves being a responsible steward of your vision, assessing your progress, and taking action to move closer to your goal. The process can be difficult at times, but it's important to remember that praise can help you overcome the obstacles and stumbling blocks that come your way. It's also important to have wise counsel and humility, which can help you stay grounded and focused on your vision.

At the end of the day, seeing in the natural what you've visualized in the supernatural requires unwavering faith and trust in God. It's important to remember that the Lord has a plan for your life, and your vision is a part of that plan. By aligning yourself with Him and being a good steward of your vision, you can bring your dreams into existence and shift the atmosphere around you.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

Insecurity and victimhood can be debilitating mindsets that hold us back from walking through the doors God has opened for us. We have to allow God to transform our minds and hearts so that we can conquer everything He has in store for us on this earth. Our mind is a precious gift from the Lord, and the enemy will try to attack it. However, we can protect it by anchoring our identity in the anointing of the Lord and His name over our lives, which makes us more than conquerors.

Let us remember the woman who had the issue of blood; she believed and had faith that she would be healed before she even touched Jesus. In the same way, we have to come to a place in our minds where we can think and believe before things happen in order to experience breakthrough. This means trusting in God's promises and having faith that He will come through for us.

It is important to remember that miracles are not always measured in the same way as sin. While sin is sin in God's eyes, faith is not measured by how impressive it appears. Instead, the Lord wants to know if our faith has endurance and if we are willing to hold on to it even in the face of adversity.

Finally, we must trust in the Lord's promises and know that He will never let us drown. Although we may encounter difficulties and obstacles as we step out in faith, we can take comfort in the fact that God is always with us, guiding us and protecting us every step of the way.

Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

Our lives are like the raw ingredients a chef compiles before they begin to bake. In order to make cookies, you'll need flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. However, making cookies is not the only thing you can do with these ingredients. You can also make cakes, brownies, or even bread. The possibilities are endless, just like the potential in our lives.

God has a purpose for each one of us, and it is our responsibility to discover what that purpose is. Sometimes, it takes time and patience, but eventually, we will find it. As we look back on our lives, we can see how God has been working in us, even when we didn't realize it. He has been shaping us, molding us, and preparing us for a greater purpose.

When we are in our calling, we may still experience frustration, bitterness, and rejection. But those are the very things that God wants to use to make something new in us. He wants to take our struggles and turn them into something beautiful.

God has given each one of us unique gifts and talents. And when we surrender our lives to Him, He will use those gifts and talents for His glory. We may not always know what the future holds, but we can trust that God has a plan for our lives. And when we let go of our own plans and trust in Him, we will find the destiny and purpose that He has for us.

So let us embrace the raw ingredients in our lives and allow God to use them to make something new. Let us trust in His plan for us and have faith that He will fulfill His promises. And let us live a life that is surrendered to Him, knowing that He has a destiny and purpose for each one of us.

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_05142023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

podcast descrption

As believers, we can gather in church on Sundays, but we are called to be the church every day of the week. The anointing of the Holy Spirit equips us to not just proclaim the Gospel, but to demonstrate its life-changing power to the world.

Here are five amazing attributes of the Holy Spirit:

  1. It brings the power of God
  2. It is tangible (something you can feel and experience)
  3. It brings joy (not happiness)
  4. It brings breakthrough
  5. It is transferable

Although the anointing may be on your life, but it is not just for your life!

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_05072023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT