Fearless LA Podcast

In this podcast, Pastor Jeremy Johnson gives us a powerful sermon on vision with practical ways to confidently take on the New Year. God’s vision in our lives is more than something we can piece together on our own. It can be easy to forget that a “God Vision” is more that just a daydream. Vision without action is a daydream. The Bible says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10. Today we walk confidently in that, believing that God knows our destiny more than we do. It takes action, habit and character to get there. We end our year with an expectant heart and are challenged to view ourselves as God’s masterpiece rather than broken pieces put back together again. What are you believing for in the New Year?

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_12302018_V2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24pm PDT

The Sunday before Christmas, Pastor Jeremy unwraps a relevant message about the birth of Jesus Christ, and talks about how God gives us presents in unwelcoming packages. Have you ever prayed for growth in your life, and received a trial? Sometimes God gives a present that doesn't look nice to open, but the gift is on the other side of the wrapping paper. Enjoy this podcast by Pastor Jeremy Johnson. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:11am PDT

This weeks podcast is featuring a very special guest, Pastor Banning Liebscher from Jesus Culture in Sacramento, Ca. He shares a challenging word on what it looks like to grow in your faith as a believer. We pray that this podcast inspires you towards your development in this walk of faith. 

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_12162018_PastorBanning.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:43pm PDT

Pastor Jeremy Johnson preaches from a passage found in Luke 10:25-27 about the good Samaritan. In their time, the two words "good" and "Samaritan" would never have been paired together because of the generations of racial divide that was between them. This podcast talks about loving your neighbor. Sometimes we try to find loop holes in our love for others, "I'll love you if.." or "I'll love you until this happens". Today with ditch the loop holes, and pursue love in its purest form, modeled by Jesus Christ. 

Direct download: Fearless_LA_PODCAST_12092018.m4a
Category: -- posted at: 8:10am PDT

In this podcast, Pastor Jeremy dives in deeper to the concept of being whole. The text can be found in Matthew 20:1-16. This parable speaks to us so often, because sometimes we feel like we have earned more than we have received. This is a challenging topic, but as we learn, everything from God is a gift. By our actions we have earned death, but God's free gift for us is eternal life. Everything that we have is a gift from God, and the sooner we see that, the sooner we can have an attitude of thankfulness. We hope you enjoy this podcast. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:36am PDT

Pastor Jeremy shares a timely sermon on praising in the promise. Often times in life we find ourselves reaching out to God only when things are not going well. In those moments, Jesus offers us healing, but sometimes we are not living "whole" until we can circle back and praise him in the middle of our promise. 

Direct download: Im_a_Believer_-_Who_is_Whole.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 1:19pm PDT

Pastor Jeremy finishes the Hills and Valleys sermon serious with the Mount of Olives. The Mount of Olives is a place where Jesus often went to pray. However this time was right before Jesus was betrayed, and He knew the difficulty of the process. Our God is a God of the process, not just the promise. Sometimes we must walk through difficult seasons, and troubling processes to get to our promises. While walking through the process, we must have people in our lives that we designated not to just cheer us on, but to support us in our troubling times. However, there is a moment, when we need to seclude ourselves in the presence of God, to find the courage to continue in the process that God designated for us. Enjoy this power sermon form Pastor Jeremy Johnson.

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:43am PDT

God is not preparing the promise, he is preparing you for the promise. When God speaks something into existence, he speaks to the end, and not the beginning. Just because you are not walking in your blessing, does not mean you are not blessed. In this podcast, Pastor Jeremy Johnson breaks down what it truly means to be blessed by God. 

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Category: -- posted at: 7:56am PDT

If you’re a leader and want to see something changed in this life. You will have to go through a
birthing process. You are going to have to go through moment of hard labor and work to see
what you believe. Elijah puts his head between his knees - a birthing position - and begins to
pray for rain. He’s trying to give birth to a rainfall that hasn’t come for 3 years, he’s travailing for
it! It says that Elijah exclaims “go get your men, because I HEAR the sound of a heavy rain” he
doesn’t say I SEE something, he believes and hears the rain.
Direct download: Fearless_LA_PODCAST_10282018.m4a
Category: -- posted at: 11:57am PDT

In Deuteronomy 34:1-4, Moses climbs Mt. Nebo. At the top, God shows him the promise land but says, “I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.”

We all have a Mt.​ NEBO ​​in our lives: a ​Ne​​ ver-​E​​nding ​B​​attle over ​O​​urselves. We think that whatever happens in our lives ​must b​ e God’s will, not realizing that our own decisions can, and frequently do, interfere with God’s will for our life. Thus, we are always in a battle where we try to put our own will above God’s. Then, when things don’t go our way we are quick to blame God for the bad in our lives. We don’t realize that the reason things turned out that way was ​because we were fighting God’s will in the first place.

Relinquishing control over our lives can be scary. Like the Israelites who doubted God, the fear of failure can be so terrifying that we opt for the comfort of slavery instead of trusting God to free us. God doesn’t ​just​ want to free us, though. God has great plans for our lives but we need to trust him​ ALL the way​ ​​if we want His promises for our lives to be fulfilled. Moses didn’t bring the Israelites out of Egypt for them to die in the wilderness; he believed in God’s promises and we need to too! However, Moses broke faith with God and, as a result, though God showed him the promise-land, God did not let him enter into it.

Giving God control is not about choosing what area of life—or how much of one area—you’re going to give him. Choosing to hold back a part of your life is still you maintaining control over your life. God ​wants​ to release his will into our lives—if only we let him. We always want to do things our way because it’s more comfortable but God is close to those who trust him and when you do, you realize that He is the ultimate source of comfort. We forget that when we partially obey him, we partially disobey him as well. That disobedience gets in the way of His will and prevents us from entering our own promise-land, like it did with Moses.

Jesus was constantly checking in with God to make sure that God’s will was being done—not his human one. The Lord’s prayer even says, “​THY will be done.”​ Giving God control so that His will can be released into our lives isn’t easy, but God is always one prayer away.

Direct download: Fearless_LA_PODCAST_10212018.m4a
Category: -- posted at: 1:49pm PDT

If you’re finding yourself walking through a difficult situation, or a season of continuous crying, you are most likely in The Valley of Trouble and Weeping. Through these valleys, we can hold on to the comfort of knowing that God will NEVER waste a hurt. God does not just let things happen to happen so trust Him in the darkness!

Has there been a situation that you thought was over—and God had healed you from it—but as time passed, it came up again? Some stubborn issues or sins will keep chasing you as long as you’re alive but the SAME God who defeated it the first time will do it again! He doesn’t do it the same way—usually ever. For Him it’s not about changing the battle, it’s about changing YOU! When the Israelites walked around the mountain for 40 years, He wasn’t trying to change the mountain, he was trying to change THEM!
Pain is a part of the process and it WILL produce fruit. Pain is a gift, pain will make you pause and realize you can’t keep doing what you’re doing.

We have to recognize that we can’t experience healing unless we’ve been hurt. We have to be okay with the unfiltered version of ourselves because that’s the version God works with. So, the next time you’re hurting and broken, the next time you can’t shake a sin or pain, the next time you can keep yourself from crying, know that He is near to the broken hearted and He is weeping right there with you. He will meet you in a valley where He has placed you in, or even in a valley you have stumbled in on your own. Ask God for help; cry out to Him! Pride will always rob you of full submission and obedience to God. Seek to hear His voice and His cries in those valleys and take heart because He has overcome the WORLD! In God, and in Him alone, you WILL have peace!

Direct download: Fealess_LA_Podcast_10072018.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:49am PDT

At some point, we all find ourselves having to face some extremely tough decisions in life—even some really small decisions that may seem meaningless to you but will play a role in determining your future. If you find yourself in the valley of decisions, fear not, there are many ways to navigate this!

Life is the sum total of all of our decisions. You are who you are based on the decisions you make in the life that you’ve been handed. You are not what you’ve been given rather, you arehow you use w​ hat you’ve been given. ​Focus on the big picture;​ not every open door is from God and not every closed door is from the enemy. The Bible says to KNOCK, and it will be opened. If you have to knock on a door for Him to open, it’s must already be closed to begin with. ​Know your values​; how you see yourself is how others will see you. ​Recognize the snowball effect​; one bad decision will lead to many other bad decisions. On the contrary, one ​good decision​ will lead to many other good decisions! We have to create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is openly welcome and He will be able to guide us through life’s difficult decisions. We must take immediate​ action; if you need to make a decision today, make it ​today​! Don’t sit on it! If you’re following all of these steps and letting the Holy Spirit guide you, the decision should be loud and clear! Take heart in knowing that a right decision will lead you to positivity, but acknowledging a wrong decision and getting back in tune with Him will lead you right back to a clean slate!

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Category: -- posted at: 10:36am PDT

Everyone loves being on the mountain tops, but seasons in the valleys are inevitable. It is important to acknowledge that the valley seasons produce harvests that you could never grow on the mountains. As sure as the grapes grow in the valleys of California, the fruits of our lives are produced through the valley. There are different types of valleys that we walk through in our lives—some of them we are even called to. One valley in particular, the Valley of Elah, is a valley that we are called to where we have the opportunity to destroy our giants.

You may be sitting on top of the mountain top right now, but something still doesn’t feel right... Something is still tormenting you. The giant in your life is in the valley shouting up at you, taunting you. Maybe your giant is ​anger,​ maybe your giant is ​depression,​ or maybe your giant is the past ​abuse​ that you pretend never happened. Whatever it is, your giant is a big problem. A giant won’t go away until you destroy it. It’s not a one-day torment or even a week long torment. A giant makes its stand 40 days and 40 nights, wearing you down with each day it remains. You go to sleep with this giant and you wake up to this giant. The giant takes your peace by yelling from the valley below. Those are the times in our lives where we find ourselves called to go down into the valley to take out that giant once and for all. Giants don’t sneak up on you, they are too big and too loud. You know it’s there and ​it's up to you to confront it.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PDT

As believers, we have a tendency to solely focus on the mountain tops—the good moments, the season where everything goes right. But that’s the thing; it’s just a ​season.​ Just as the mountain top is a season, so are the valleys—the low moments where the attack against you has been specifically made to take you out. Don’t be discouraged that others aren’t struggling with the same thing—that’s not ​their ​battle. But even though there is a tailor made attack for you, fear not because there is also a tailor made plan to get you through it.

We have to understand that whether or not we believe that God is in the valley does not actually dictate his presence in it. ​He is there! ​He is omnipresent—everywhere at once and with you always!​ ​​We must acknowledge and be prepared for the valleys to come while we’re on the mountain tops. If you don’t understand that He is the God of the hills ​and ​the valleys, you will give up when you’re going through the low moments. Hills and valleys are the rollercoaster of life. Let’s just lift our hands and ride out this bumpy, loopy, crazy life because joy ​will ​come in the morning!

Direct download: Hills_and_Valleys.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:11am PDT

As disciples of Christ, one the most faithful action we can take is to love others the way Christ loves us. We know that as humans, it is a challenge to love people well. We are often better at cutting people off rather than loving them unconditionally. So when we do love people unconditionally, we know it is supernatural. That type of love is not human; when other people see it, they see God through us! Not only that, but when we see it, we also know it is God. When we are loved well by people in our circle and in our community, it makes us grateful to God.

It is that type of love that changes the atmosphere, the community, and even the world. In order to love others like that, we must first recognize and accept that God loves us despite us. When we begin to accept the type of love that God is offering, it instills in us confidence which, in turn, increases our faith. As our faith increases, we no longer wish for God to remove us from situations or remove barriers in our life. Instead, we ask for God to open our eyes to what He is trying to do. We begin to trust that His way is greater and that maybe, like Job, we don’t know it all. We humble ourselves in God’s presence and begin to realize that this game is fixed in our favor.

Direct download: Fealess_LA_Podcast_9092018.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:43am PDT

In this podcast Pastor Jeremy shares how in John 2, Jesus turned water into wine, and how that miracle can apply to our lives. Sometimes we ask God for one thing, and he gives us something else that he is going to use as a miracle. Maybe the thing in your hands today seems minuscule, but Jesus wants to turn that into a miracle. He wants to turn your water into wine. Listen today to this life changing message from Pastor Jeremy Johnson


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Category: -- posted at: 7:32am PDT

One of the most beautiful things about God is that He is God despite what you do or don’t do. He will
finish what He started in your life. If you’re breathing
today, then He is not done with you yet. Don’t
ever feel limited by your circumstances because our
God isn’t limited by them. Throw away your timeline.
Throw away your controlling ways because incredible
things come when you let God unravel it. God alone is your refuge, your safety, and He always wants to push
you further.


Direct download: Dont_Die_In_The_Nest.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:48am PDT

Spiritual hunger comes from a place of knowing that you need God in your life. Pastor Corey Russell shares a word on what it looks like to be hungry for more of God. Having an appetite for Gods presence. Hunger gets the attention of Heaven. In this podcast, hear how your life can be impacted through the power of spiritual hunger. 

Direct download: Corey_Russle_Night.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:08am PDT

Pastor Corey Russell shares an exciting work on the biblical principles of prayer. The disciples walked with Jesus for three and a half years, and the one thing that they constantly asked was that Jesus would teach them to pray. Prayer changes things, it shifts things in our atmosphere, and without it, we are only as strong as ourself. With God for us, who can be against us. 

Direct download: Corey_Russle_Morning.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:06am PDT

This week Pastor Jeremy Johnson shares, that as Christians, sometimes we think that we only get tested during our struggles that there will be no more tests after the miracle happens. We fail to realize that the mountaintop is where we have the most to lose, and will likely have to face the greatest tests. However, you can be certain that if God is testing you, it means that you already have the answers inside of you. Our God will never set you up for failure. He has prepared you and is trying to graduate you to the next level.
Direct download: BFG_-_Fearless_is_our_Mission_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:02am PDT


When we are faced with fear, we have two choices we can make. We can either face the fear head on, not giving it the authority to steal our joy and peace, or we can become a victim of fear, letting it settle into our lives where it breeds doubt, anxiety, and depression. By choosing not to waste our energy on fear and by walking the path of victory, we give God room to make us His warriors. If faith is the currency of heaven, then fear is the currency of hell. Let’s not carry around the currency of hell! Don’t be discouraged during the pressing or the sifting in your life, because God is preparing something amazing! It’s in the pressing that pride is crushed out; it’s in the sifting that God filters out all that is holding us back. He will send you to places of brokenness, but only so that He can bring you to places of freedom and healing. God is not afraid to come our broken and hiding places and when He does, He wants to bring us out. Be encouraged and remember that we do not have to rely on our strength alone. He will lend us His and promises that we will strike down fear TOGETHER! 

Direct download: BFG_-_Fearless_is_Our_Mission_pt._2.2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:05am PDT

Fear is a trick that the enemy has used to try to take our eyes off Jesus since day one. Fear comes to destroy, and it brings friends like doubt, anxiety, and depression to distract us. In Psalm 46 it says that God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help us in times of trouble. We win by calling out to the One who has already won the victory for us!
The majority of those in the Bible who were called by God were not equipped with wisdom right away. They weren’t famous or influencers, and they weren’t perfect by any means. But God chooses the least qualified and equips them once they say “yes” to His call. Every person is called, and your knowledge or age doesn’t negate that. Anything could come against you and it wouldn’t matter, because God is with you! He will give you the strength and courage you need AFTER you say “yes” to the call. God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called. Take back what the enemy has stolen from you today, and say YES to the call on your life.

Direct download: BFG_-_Fearless_is_our_Mission.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:02am PDT

In this podcast, Pastor Jeremy Johnson shares, when we honor God the way the Bible tells us to, we end up seeing all that He is worth. Faith and honor go hand in hand. When we honor God's word, we are saying that we have faith in Him, and then we will see miracles happen. 
Direct download: Honor_pt2_-_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am PDT

Honor, by definition, is “to render or esteem glorious.”
It’s one of those words, similar to“love,” that immediately is understood in the world and in the church. In this podcast, Pastor Jeremy Johnson shares, when we honor God the way the Bible tells us to, we end up seeing all that He is worth. Honor is not given, but authored. For example: When we look at a collectible baseball card, the card’s value changes not because of the card material itself but because who was on the card and what is branded on the player. In the same context, we hope that others would see the
branding of Jesus in our lives, and for it to bring value to the world. Our value comes from who He is, not who we are.
Direct download: BFG_-_Honor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:40am PDT

Everyone always talks about Jesus turning water into wine, but when Jesus created this miracle in John 2:1-11, He was actually fulfilling a need. At this time in history, if anyone would’ve thrown a party, or in this case, a wedding, and ran out of food or wine, it was considered poor form and they would’ve shamed the man for his entire lifetime. Although this man’s highest need may have been salvation, that was not his immediate need at that given time. As Jesus acknowledged this, he fulfilled the need, removing the window for shame to come in, and in turn, the miracle was witnessed by his disciples (something that
the disciples needed to experience, as well).
In this podcast, Pastor Glen Berteau shared several real-life stories of how simple it is to reach others when we just approach everything with the heart of Jesus. A question as simple as, “Can I pray with you
about something?” can ultimately bring down the walls between us (the Church) and the lost. Ultimately, we need to make an effort to find common ground in order to fulfill the highest need. We can trust Jesus in this as we walk in faith that His lost children will be not only loved, but it will eventually lead them back to the Father.
Direct download: Born_For_This_-_People_are_our_Passion.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm PDT

In this podcast, Pastor Jeremy Johnson of Fearless LA shares a life changing message on how God defines what love is in 1 Corinthians 13. Ultimately, it is something we choose to do in every situation, and with every person. Love never dishonors, isn’t self-seeking or easily angered. What would happen if we actually started to believe and apply this in our lives? What would it take to keep loving every time they reject you, or to keep no record of wrongs? The goal is to love others the very way God loves us, exemplified in 1 Corinthians 13. Jesus hasn’t kept any record of wrongs because his love is not like man’s love. His love protects and always trusts. Ultimately, if we have been transformed by the love of Jesus, then we are able to trust others and operate from a place of overflow of His love. Let’s not make love our talk, but our passionate
Direct download: Born_For_This_-_Love_is_our_Action.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am PDT

Direct download: Born_For_This__-_Prayer_is_Our_Source.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:56am PDT

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Category: -- posted at: 5:02am PDT

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Direct download: One_More_Night.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:27pm PDT

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:29am PDT

Direct download: Foundations_-_Messy_Buisness.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:14am PDT

Direct download: Foundations_-_The_Man_Jesus_Christ.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:57am PDT

Have you ever started building something, whether a new business, a new house, or even a career...and days, months or even years later, it collapses? Sometimes, we as humans think if we just keep doing a lot, God will be pleased with that. But to God, it isn’t about human DOING, but about human BEING: being in His presence and plugged into God the Father. Your “doing” is distracting you from “being” with God...and ultimately, He just really wants to know us and wants to build with us. And if we’re going to build great things with God, we better build a great foundation in God. In this weeks message Pastor Jeremy Johnson talks about the process of getting to the purpose, and how important it is to trust God in the process just as much as you trust him to fulfill the promise!

Direct download: Foundations_-_I_Forgot_About_the_Process.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:58am PDT

Direct download: Foundations-What_Is_Success.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:16am PDT

Easter Sunday is the ultimate reminder of God’s love for you. He paid the highest price to set you free. Have you ever wondered why Jesus came at the time He did? God lives outside of time, but chose a specific time to send His son to earth. In this special Easter Sunday message, Pastor Jeremy Johnson talks about the mistreating of slaves, and how that represents how the enemy wants to treat us. If a slave was put to death, they were put on the cross naked. If they tried to run away, they would get their legs broken. The only way a slave would be free is if their master died, or if they had their names written in the Roman census book. This sounds pretty familiar doesn’t it? Jesus was crucified naked on a cross while your names were written in the Lamb’s book of life. Jesus took your place as a slave to set you free. He ransomed you with the highest price of His life. Stop going back to the slave market that Jesus saved you from. It is finished! Those three powerful words were followed by another three powerful words - He is risen! Those words are followed by four powerful words - He will come again! Praise God for His promise that it is finished! You don’t have to pay the minimum payment anymore because it is paid in full!

Direct download: It_Is_Finished.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:12am PDT

If you live in LA, you might find that you spend more than, or almost as much as you make. You might be living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make ends meet, and emptying your bank account out to pay your bills. Whether you’re married or single, using your money strategically is the smartest thing you could do. In this weeks podcast Pastors Jeremy and Christy Johnson share some of the ways they have been able to be good stewards of their money, and some things to always be mindful of when spending money. Like pastors have mentioned many times in this series, anything you bring into marriage un-dealt with WILL be magnified in marriage, that includes money!

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am PDT

Most people have at one point or another created a timeline for their lives. When you were younger you probably thought, “I’ll be married in my early 20’s, already have my career established, start having children, retire early, and live happily ever after.” Maybe your timeline looked a little different, but at some point in your life you’ve probably had certain expectations for your future. It’s natural to think about how your life will play out, and to hope for certain things at certain times. Well, what happens when you pass that time you were supposed to already be married, or supposed to already have children? Maybe you get upset and think God forgot about you. The truth is, God has an appointed time for everything and everyone! Today, Pastors Jeremy and Christy Johnson share their testimonies of how faithful God is in His own timing. God hasn’t forgotten about you; He’s just waiting for the perfect time to fulfill certain things in your life! When you say yes to God, you can’t miss it. He will always direct your path if you seek Him. There are no flaws in God’s timing!

Direct download: No_Flaws_In_Gods_Timing.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:42pm PDT

 We know those people who are referred to as “pessimists”; the ones who always see things in a negative light, and the one bad thing outweighs the good for them. You probably know a lot of people like that, and maybe you are even like that yourself. Don’t be ashamed, because you’re not alone. Some people are hardwired as negative, BUT that’s where you have to make the choice to be POSITIVE! In this weeks message Pastor Jeremy Johnson sheds some light on negativity and how we can retrain our mind to stop those negative thoughts before they even get there! God commands us to have joy, it’s not a suggestion it is not an option! It’s not going to be easy. It will be a sacrifice that takes time and patience, but once you’ve figured out the key, it makes life’s problems seem so small in comparison to Gods greatness!

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Category: -- posted at: 2:01pm PDT

We’ve probably all heard the verse Proverbs 4:23 so many times: “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” It is so widely known, but it is also so valuable, and many times, it is a difficult thing to do. You must also guard your marriage, your family, your finances, your health, but above all, you need to guard your heart. Your heart determines where you go in life, what you want to do, and the course of your life. If your heart isn’t healthy, the rest of your life isn’t going to be healthy. In this weeks message, Pastors Jeremy and Christy Johnson open up about the foundations of their relationship and marriage, as well as how we can better guard our hearts!

Direct download: Love_Sex_Money.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:25am PDT

This world is filled with people who have a desire for more. What you have never seems to be enough. You will probably even find that many children have this desire, too. You give them a piece of candy or a toy, and they instantly want another one. The reason being what it says in Ephesians 4:19: “Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.” They lost their sensitivity to the things of God and gave in to the things of this world. The good thing is that God gave you that desire on purpose so you can desire more of Him, but it is your job to redirect your desires toward Him. In this podcast we learn how God has already given us all we need to be whole, and whether in our singleness or married life, He wants us to live our lives fully in Him.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:22pm PDT

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:07pm PDT

Super bowl Sunday, a day many people look forward to every year. It comes only once a year, but the preparation and time put into it takes the entire year for the players. Even the players who probably won’t step foot onto the field still practice and train just as hard, so that on the off chance someone gets hurt, they are fully ready to step in. That is how we should be in our lives, preparing and training for the place we want to be, so when God calls, we are ready. Prepare as if you are already there. In this weeks podcast, Pastor Jeremy Johnson gives us insight on how The Bible is full of sports and battle references, and how there can only be one winning team. The good thing is, you already are on the winning team! Jesus won the victory and you get to share in it with Him!

Direct download: RYR_AFMAMH.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PDT

Direct download: Cut_The_Bull_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27am PDT

Direct download: AFMAMH_21_final.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:22pm PDT

As a church, this year we are shifting to another level, and maturing in Christ. As you mature and grow, you have to allow God to come into your heart and heal the things that you’ve held onto for so long. It is not going to be easy, and it’s going to be painful as the words and wounds are being ripped away to make way for healing. Make time to sit with the Lord. Make time to eat with the Lord. He wants you to be excited about what you are reading in His word, and to actually eat and digest what you are reading. In this message, Pastor Jeremy Johnson takes a dive into Psalms 141: 1-3. Our tongues have the power of life and death, we have to guard what we say and what goes out into the atmosphere. We learn more about the original lamb sacrifices before Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice. God wants you to be a living sacrifice for this world and to stand in the gap for the people around you. Take time today to pray specifically for the things you’re believing for, and you will see breakthrough!

Direct download: AFMAMH_Amixdown.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:20am PDT

All too often we find ourselves asking God for more. Whether it’s money, time, friendships, or material things, our flesh needs more! What if God is just waiting for us to look at what we already have, and ask Him what He wants us to do with it. Those who are faithful with little will be faithful with a lot, that rule applies to everything in our lives! In this message Pastor Jeremy Johnson gives us a new perspective on a story everyone in church has heard, Mark 6:30-44, the story of Jesus multiplying the fish & loaves. We often look at the miracle and think about how wonderful it was, but we miss the steps Jesus took in between. Let’s start praising God before we see the miracle happen, before we have enough, and watch multiply it to more than enough!


Direct download: FLA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:59pm PDT

What better way to kick of the new year with cleansing not only our bodies but our spirits through fasting! In the Bible, we can see that men and women of God fasted to spend time seeking God. Life gets busy and our hearts can get cluttered, so fasting is a time to clean out our spirits and helps us refocus on God. Even Jesus took time to get away with God and fast. Why shouldn’t we? In this message, pastor Jeremy Johnson teaches us how to say no to our flesh, and realign our spirits to step into everything the Lord has for us this year!

Direct download: AFMAMH.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:02pm PDT