Fearless LA Podcast

When fear fills your heart, it can cause you to feel trapped and limited in your abilities. On the other hand, faith has the power to expand your horizons and give you the courage to dream and hope in God. It takes great faith to plant seeds in a time of famine or to dig up wells in a dry and barren land. Faith is also what gives you the strength to fight and overcome the challenges that come your way. In the upcoming season, we will delve deeper into our spiritual wells to access the living water that God has promised us.

Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider digging deeper:

  1. When you dig deep, you can prosper even in the midst of a famine. Your faith in God will enable you to find solutions to your problems, and His grace will provide for your needs.
  2. There are times when you must fight and contend for the blessings that God has in store for you. Digging deeper into your faith will give you the strength and courage to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.
  3. Just because you are in a good place does not mean that you have reached God's ultimate destination for your life. By digging deeper into your faith, you can discover the plans and purposes that God has for you, and take your life to the next level.
  4. Your journey may be long and difficult, but you can be assured that you will eventually make it to your well or promise. By staying focused on God's promises and continuing to dig deep into your faith, you can have the confidence to press on towards your goals.

Remember, God may challenge you to dig a new well at any time, so don't get too comfortable in your current circumstances. Keep pushing forward in obedience to God's words, and stay rooted in the center of His will. By doing so, you can be fruitful even in times of famine and experience the abundant life that He has promised to you!

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_04302023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_04232023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

Have you ever felt God compelling you towards a certain direction in life, yet it didn’t make complete sense? Often in these moments, we feel a wrestle between listening to the Holy Spirit or remaining stagnant due to the unknown. Understanding the power of God’s leading, this week Pastor Jeremy speaks on the necessity of extreme trust in God.

God’s ways are always higher than ours, and we must remember that we won’t see the completed picture immediately. In the unknown of what God is doing, we must remain diligent to His leading even when it may not make sense. It is in the perplexity of it all that God comes through and reveals His glory in the end.

In the process, may we choose to have radical trust in Jesus and His ways. We must remember that Jesus has need of our lives, and when Jesus has need to use us, the time is now. May our heart posture continuously be, “God, wherever you go, I’ll go” because we trust His ways are good.

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_04162023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

This week, we are diving into eternity's heart. Easter stirs so much within our hearts every year. In It Is Finished, Pastor Jeremy Johnson talks about what it means to finish. What did it mean for Jesus? What does it mean for us today? Let's catapult into this message of hope for today and tomorrow.

God is in the business of finishing the work He begins in us. Jesus came to do something mighty in each of our lives. He longs for us to walk in full freedom. Jesus paid for it on the cross. How do we walk out this freedom in every area of our lives? What do we do when hope feels cut off? Jesus came to make sure every debt in our life has been paid in full. We still battle with a mindset of lack, loss, and brokenness. God doesn't want us stuck in these cycles.

Jesus' love drove Him to the cross for you. He paid with His life for you to be free in every area of your life. God does not want you to live your life in bondage to mindsets, emotions, and circumstances. He paid the price of His life to redeem you to freedom. How can you use the power of the cross to enter into true freedom this Resurrection Sunday? Tune in, and tap into your new resurrection life!

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_Easter_2023_V2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

This week Pastor Jeremy speaks on the topic of serving as a Christian. In our human nature, we often find ourselves being selfish and wanting others to do things for us. However, this week’s sermon touches on the importance of giving our lives.

When it comes to living for Jesus, it should be our desire to live our lives after His example. Although He was on earth as the Son of God, He also was the greatest servant. Just as Jesus knew His assignment was to serve the Kingdom through attending to the needs of others, so we must remember that our lives are not our own. We should see life as a gift to be used by God to love and help others for God’s glory.

As we think about the gifts, talents, and abilities that we have, may we see them as a source to serve Jesus. When we serve those around us, even when it’s not always convenient, we serve Jesus and expand the Kingdom. Rather, than expecting others to meet our needs, let us allow God to use as He sees fit because it is the greatest reward.

Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT