Fearless LA Podcast

Jesus didn't have tough skin but He had a tough source. As people, we will undoubtably hurt each other. Tough skin ruins our purpose and destiny because we wall up and build fences that end up imprisoning us. Vision rarely comes to prayer without the labor of great prayer because big vision requires God help.Here are some reasons as to why we pray:
1. The power comes when we put Gods word in your mouth so we not only read the word, but we pray the word.
2. You are a citizen of heaven and what you need to know is that you have a the authority to enter the throne room.
3. Out of all things the disciples saw Jesus doing, the only thing they asked for instruction on how to pray.
4. Don't forget your place alongside of Him. The king is not looking for you to show up in a king James prayer of perfection. He is looking for intimacy through prayer.
5. Wherever you're at God hears you, even if that prayer is worked out in fear and trembling. God hears your heart and not just words.
6. Some of the best words that you might say, might be said through tears but we can go to Him broken without our religious words and share our hearts to the father.
7. Of all the things God can do, the only thing the Lord cannot do is answer a prayer that you didn't pray. He is waiting on YOU to open your mouth and speak to the one who loves you.
We have lost the passion to learn how to pray so let's stir that up in our hearts today. You have to go to the prayer closet because out of that place will come the blueprints to change the world!

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_08272023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

How many times have we been led to a mess by the Lord but we find Him resting in the middle of that mess? God's not frustrated like we are frustrated, He's not worried like we are worried. But there are three types of storms we will go through in life:

  1. Correcting Storms 2. Perfecting Storms 3. Perspective Storms

This is the type of storm that the disciples were in. This reveals a new aspect of the God's nature. Sometimes God is showing us who He is. The antidote to fear is not focusing on our fear but focusing in the perfect love that has given us authority over the fear. The only way to get a handle over our fear is to put on the mind of Christ! Here are some ways to get a sound mind:

  • Stop waiting for change, to change our mind.

Stop waiting for the situation to change because we can make a different choice. Change starts as a choice, decide today to live where we're going. We gotta believe it, when you've got nothing. It starts with us!

•We don't need a miracle, we need better management.

The same sun that melts wax, hardens clay. The bible tells us to control and manage our thoughts. It's not how we are it's how, we choose to be. The second that lie hits our heart, repent and get rid of the weak excuse.

•Who is our mind serving?

When our spirit is weak, it serves our flesh but with constant communion with the Holy Spirit we will run vision for our spirit. What we feed our mind becomes our mindset. God calls us to control our mind but it's our mindset what controls us. Create a new path in our mind with the truth of the word.

  • Expect miracles along the way

Watch God take things that took forever to restore and surprise us. Our expectation is the water for our seed. Are we believing Him to transform our whole life with one encounter with him??Let's stop confessing what we feel but let's confess what we believe!

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_08202023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

Validation from the Lord is accessible to us every day if we can open our ears and hear it. As we continue to walk with the Lord, He wants us to know exactly the ways in which He is willing to show up for us. God was pleased with Jesus, the Son, before He performed a single miracle. So, remember this: our God is already proud of us because His validation of us isn't based on our actions but on how He feels about us.

Here are a few things to remember as you walk with the Lord:

  1. The wilderness isn't a punishment; it's a preparation for graduation. The devil pushes, but the Lord leads.
  2. If the wilderness is where the Lord has led us, then let's use it to crucify the desires of our flesh within us.
  3. God will work with us because He is a God of grace, but there will be a day when He will call us to conquer the things that we have been struggling with.
  4. The devil uses the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life to tempt us, but the Lord uses the cross to sanctify us before He fulfills His promises to us.
  5. Sometimes, it's not losing that makes us tired, but the continuous battles, even when we are winning.
  6. Those who make it past victory are the ones who realize that in the midst of darkness, angels are present.

Even Jesus experienced fatigue, but remember that when you're tired, it might be because you've already overcome. Learn how to give and receive from the Lord, who can provide us with a fullness of joy that no human can offer. Wherever we're afraid to go, God will show us that just as He cares for sparrows, He is already looking after us

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_08132023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

Life's full of ups and downs, mountains, and valleys. God publicly validated Jesus when He was baptized, but immediately after, God called Jesus into the valley. When you receive the mandate of purpose in the kingdom, you answer the call. The call is not always in the highs, but if we're afraid of the lows, we'll never find out how powerful God really is. We need to trust the process but also be prepared to fight the good fight against the devil. We need to recognize the three weapons the devil has to defeat him in battle:

Lust of the flesh

Lust of the eyes

Pride of life

These are the same tactics the devil used on Eve. Eve lost the battle because she had a second-hand revelation. She had heard from Adam what God said. However, Jesus defeated the devil because He first conquered His flesh and had a first-hand revelation of the word of God. To survive the upcoming fight, we need to prepare and know the word of God within us. In the midst of the fight, we need to tell the devil, "It Is Written..

Remember, if our teacher is allowing our testing, they're trying to tell us that we already have all the answers we need to graduate to the next level. All we have to do is pass the test.

Direct download: Fearless_LA_Podcast_08062023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT